Here it is our first week on sabbatical and we just want to give all of you a quick report on how things are going. We have had Bob & Lori Mehan and some other friends from Adel with us for a few days and even had a lunch with some of the staff at Chan's! We are spending this time resting and preparing for the last minute details of our trip to Israel.
I've (Dave) had some great times with the Lord already this week. He has been filling me with faith that He is very much in charge and watching over BCF. He has been giving me great words of encouragement to be refreshed. I think I've had a divine appointment with an old book of my Great-Great-Grandmother's published in 1900 that was on our hearth, called "Christ's Object Lessons". It speaks about the lessons we can learn through His parables and nature.
We love you and wanted you to know that you are close to our hearts and as names and faces come to our minds, we are praying for you. Congratulations to the Buntjer & Hernandez families as their little boys have arrived on the scene! Until we write again, blessings to all of you!
Pastor Dave & Kimi